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Big game hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

Big game hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Big game hunting in Bulgaria

Hunting trophies in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Hunting trophies in Bulgaria

Red deer hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Red stag hunting in Bulgaria

Fallow deer hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Fallow buck hunting in Bulgaria

Roe deer hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Roe buck hunting in Bulgaria

Wild boar hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Wild boar hunting in Bulgaria

Mouflon hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Mouflon hunting in Bulgaria

Chamois hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Chamois hunting in Bulgaria

Bear hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Bear hunting in Bulgaria

Capercaillie hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

  • Hunting services - Wood grouse hunting in Bulgaria

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Big game hunting trips in Bulgaria

Hunting area район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500

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Book Your Big Game Hunt in Bulgaria

Bulgaria, located in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, is famous for its game-rich wilderness areas and mountains. Two large mountain ranges divide the country into distinctive regions, and a third of the country is forested. Hunting opportunities are provided on some 30 state-owned hunting grounds, as well as many hunting clubs and private estates. They offer excellent trophy quality red stags, Alpine chamois, Balkan chamois, fallow deer, roe deer, mouflon, sheep & goat, and wild boar, as well as wolf and lynx.

Red DeerFallow Deer

Roe DeerWild Boar


Barbary SheepBezoar Ibex

Himalayan TahrWood Grouse

Big game hunting trips in Bulgaria

Big game hunting in Bulgaria

  • ✓ Big game hunting in Bulgaria
  • район вилна зона Юг Силистра 7500
Big game hunting in Bulgari
Wild Goat/Chamois hunting trips in Bulgaria

The Balkan Chamois mostly inhabits the Rhodope and Rila mountains. The hunting areas in Bulgaria are usually over 1800 m, but in certain places even over 800 m and the stalking is easier than elsewhere. Female chamois have an average of 90 - 93 CIC points, the males about 103 - 106 CIC points. Hunting chamois in Bulgaria gives hunters a chance to get amazing trophies.

Wild Boar Hunting from a High Seat in Bulgaria

Individually, wild boar hunting in Bulgaria is done from a high seat. During the summer period, the fur of the wild boar is short and rare (from May to October) and it is not as beautiful and impressive. The quality of the trophies shot down is high and the sizes range between 18 and 31 cm. The world record for wild boar trophy is in Bulgaria - 158.2 points CIC.

Roe Deer hunting trips in Bulgaria

Roe deer are widely distributed throughout our country. Its population has gradually increased in the last few years. The average weight of male deer trophies is abound 300 to 500 g. However, specimens with a trophy weight more than 400 g are often shot.

From the end of spring until the beginning of autumn, the big game rests. Only roe buck hunting is allowed during this period. The best time for successful hunting is in May and June just before the forest trees rustle, and the grass has not grown too high. The rut is usually at the end of July.The most suitable time for roe deer hunting in Bulgaria is in May, when the season opens and in August, during the mating period.

In Bulgaria, the roe deer inhabits lowlands as well as mountains. The hunting method used here is stalking, which requires good preparation. However, waiting and stalking are worth if you want to acquire trophy with weight about 300 - 450 g in the mountainous hunting areas, and 400 - 550 g in the northeastern Bulgarian plains. Trophies of roe deer are symmetrical, with long and richly pearled antlers.

Red Deer hunting trips in Bulgaria

Red deer are the pride of Bulgaria's hunting reserves. Some of the best red deer trophies have been shot in Bulgaria.

Due to the rich natural biotope and proper care the population boasts very good trophy characteristics - mighty, beautifully symmet

Wood Grouse hunting trips in Bulgaria

The wood grouse is the biggest gallinaceous bird and is encountered in pine forests at over 1500 m above sea level.

It is also one of the most prestigious trophies among birds. Wood grouse hunting takes place early in the morning, before dawn. Observations need to be made beforehand to identify the so-called tokovishta (places where the wood grouse mates with 1 to 6 females).

Wood grouse hunting can only take place during its mating period, and having a guide who knows the area well is mandatory, because the trecks to the hunting grounds are made in complete darkness. Advancing towards the singing wood grouse happens on command from the guide.

Depending on the terrain, up to 3 paces are walked only during certain parts of the wood grouse’s song. It makes 3 sounds and the hunters can move only when it starts singing the third one - brosene. This is a sound that mimics the sound of sharpening a scythe. Before that the two others are popping (sounds like opening a bottle of champagne) and knocking. When making the third sound the wood grouse can’t hear anything, that’s why the hunters need to make their advance then.

If a hunter cannot synchronize their movement with the bird’s song, the guide must take their hand and make sure they move in unison with the melody. Shooting distance is about 30 m and the shot is taken on the command of the hunting guide. This is the only bird that can be shot when on the ground. The rounds are № 2/0 до № 4/0 when hunting with a smoothbore weapon.

When hunting with a rifled weapon, the shooting distance can be between 50 to 80 m, if the visibility allows it. When using a rifled weapon the wood grouse can be hunted in daylight, because the distances are significantly greater. Rifles and Flobert rifles can be used, as well as 223 and all small caliber shotguns. The wood grouse in Bulgaria is an exceptional trophy but it isn’t a bird that can be consumed. It is a trophy which can be stuffed and preserved.

The hunt itself is very interesting and emotional.

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