Fallow deer hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area Славщица 5522
Fallow stag shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Славщица 5522
Fallow stag hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Славщица 5522
Fallow stag shooting in Europe - Hunting area Славщица 5522
Fallow stag hunting in Europe - Hunting area Славщица 5522
Fallow deer hunting in Bulgaria
Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted fallow deer hunting trips on bghunters.com - - Big game hunting area Славщица 5522
» Bulgaria Hunting Trips » Fallow deer hunting in Bulgaria » Hunting area Славщица 5522
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Fallow deer hunting trips in Bulgaria
Hunting area Славщица 5522
We hunt some of the best areas for Fallow buck in Bulgaria!
Fallow deer hunting period & methods
Fallow deer hunting in Bulgaria hunting season:
- Fallow stag: From the 1st of September to the 31st of January
- Female and calf: From the 1st of October to the 31st of December
- Best period: The rut of the fallow deer in October
Fallow Deer (Europe)
Scientific Name: Cervus dama
Subspecies: Mesopotamian Fallow Deer (C. d. mesopotamica)
Distribution: The Fallow Deer originated from Asia Minor, but is found all over Europe today, either freely roaming or in fenced in areas.
Habitat: Woodland with dense undergrowth often in the immediate vicinity of pasture land. The Fallow Deer prefers open land.
Description: Large deer weighing around 100 - 150 kg and measuring around 120 cm over the shoulder. The Fallow Deer has four different but distinct colour variations: White, yellowish brown, dark rufous brown and black, with brown the most common. A normally coloured Fallow Deer has a number of white spots on the back and along the flanks. A diagnostic feature is its long tail. The antlers get their characteristic palmate shape when the deer is four years old, but are not fully grown untill the deer is around 5 years old.
Hunting method: Stalking, lying in wait or driven hunt.
Hunting available in: Some places in fenced in areas.
Hunting services: Standart price list
Bulgaria Hunting Trips | Hunting area Славщица 5522
- Лов Славщица 5522
- ✓ Hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
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- Bulgaristan'da Avcılık Славщица 5522
- ✓ Big game hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
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- ✓ Small game hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
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- Turtle-dove hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
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- Wood pigeon hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
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- European hare hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
- ✓ Waterfowl hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
- Wild duck hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
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- ✓ Predator hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
- Wolf hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
- Jackal hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
- Fox hunting in Bulgaria Славщица 5522
Fallow deer hunting trips in Bulgaria
Big game - Fallow deer shooting in Bulgaria
- Fallow deer hunting in Bulgaria
- Славщица 5522
Big game - Fallow Deer hunts in Bulgaria
Fallow deer hunting trips in Bulgaria - Славщица 5522:
- Fallow deer hunting in Austria
- Fallow deer hunting in Belarus
- Fallow deer hunting in Croatia
- Fallow deer hunting in Czech Republic
- Fallow deer hunting in Estonia
- Fallow deer hunting in Finland
- Fallow deer hunting in France
- Fallow deer hunting in Germany
- Fallow deer hunting in Greece
- Fallow deer hunting in Hungary
- Fallow deer hunting in Ireland
- Fallow deer hunting in Italy
- Fallow deer hunting in Latvia
- Fallow deer hunting in Lithuania
- Fallow deer hunting in Macedonia
- Fallow deer hunting in Montenegro
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- Fallow deer hunting in Portugal
- Fallow deer hunting in Romania
- Fallow deer hunting in Russia
- Fallow deer hunting in Serbia
- Fallow deer hunting in Slovakia
- Fallow deer hunting in Spain
- Fallow deer hunting in Sweden
- Fallow deer hunting in Turkey
- Fallow deer hunting in Ukraine
- Fallow deer hunting in United Kingdom
- Fallow deer hunting in England
- Fallow deer hunting in Scotland
Big game - Fallow buck hunts in Bulgaria
Fallow buck hunting trips in Bulgaria - Славщица 5522:
- Fallow buck hunting in Austria
- Fallow buck hunting in Belarus
- Fallow buck hunting in Croatia
- Fallow buck hunting in Czech Republic
- Fallow buck hunting in Estonia
- Fallow buck hunting in Finland
- Fallow buck hunting in France
- Fallow buck hunting in Germany
- Fallow buck hunting in Greece
- Fallow buck hunting in Hungary
- Fallow buck hunting in Ireland
- Fallow buck hunting in Italy
- Fallow buck hunting in Latvia
- Fallow buck hunting in Lithuania
- Fallow buck hunting in Macedonia
- Fallow buck hunting in Montenegro
- Fallow buck hunting in Poland
- Fallow buck hunting in Portugal
- Fallow buck hunting in Romania
- Fallow buck hunting in Russia
- Fallow buck hunting in Serbia
- Fallow buck hunting in Slovakia
- Fallow buck hunting in Spain
- Fallow buck hunting in Sweden
- Fallow buck hunting in Turkey
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- BG Hunters
Лов на пернат дивеч
Добре дошли, като гост ловци в нашата ловна дружина
Пакет: Лов в ловни дни за един календарен месец
Цена за лов на ловец: 35 лв. за един календарен месец
Нощувка в седмица: една от 55 лв. / две от 90 лв.
Пакет: Един или два ловни дни с една нощувка
Цена за ловец: 95 лв.
Пакет: Два ловни дни с две нощувки
Цена за ловец:146 лв.
Разрешително за лов като гост ловец
Нощувка в стая с двойно легло
Ловна механа
Място за обработка на дивеч
Допълнителни услуги:
Разводач с ловно куче;
Клетка за нощуване на ловно куче - самостоятелна
Клетка за нощуване на ловно куче - обща с връзване
Клетка за нощуване на ловно куче за дълъг престой
Лодка за лов по река Дунав
Заслон на брега на река Дунав
Закуска, обяд и вечеря - по предварителна
Пещ на дъва
Вътрешна и външна камини
... На слука колеги...
Всеки отстрелян дивеч влиза в цената според установените норми за отстрел от един ловец за един ловен излет,
определени с чл. 71, ал. 1 от Правилника за прилагане на закона за лова и опазване на дивеча!
Всеки ловец е добре дошъл и трябва да спазва стриктно закона за лова и опазване на дивеча в България!
Ловния ден се осъществява с придрожител от нашата ловна дружина!
Дом за ловци При Доктора
Попитай и ловувай!
село Нова Черна, община Тутракан, област Силистра
GPS кординати: Lat: 43.998724827897, Long: 26.4634633263893