Лов като гост ловец в ловна дружина с ловно поле Калимок-Бръшлен (Дунавска равнина до гр.Тутракан): лов на пъдпъдъци, гургулици, фазани, патици, гъски и дива свиня. Виж повече

Goose hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Goose shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Goose hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Goose shooting in Europe - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Goose hunting in Europe - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Waterfowl shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Waterfowl hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Geese hunt in Bulgaria - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Geese shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Goose hunting in Bulgaria

Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted geese hunting trips on bghunters.com - Waterfowl hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted geese hunting trips on bghunters.com - Waterfowl hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

» Bulgaria Hunting Trips » Goose hunting in Bulgaria » Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

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Goose hunting trips in Bulgaria

Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

We hunt some of the best areas for geese in Bulgaria!

Who is offering this hunt?

Contact directly with:

Ted Tomoff » Hunter & Host

Goose hunting period & methods

Goose hunting in Bulgaria season:

  • October 1 - January 31

Small game standart price list

Wild Goose

Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos

Habitat: Lakes and rivers suitable for the duck and goose hunting, in areas that coincide with their migratory paths.

Hunting method: Lying in wait, over decoys, walking up

Hunting available in: All areas of distribution in Bulgaria.

Accompanying hunt: It can be combined with Wild duck hunting.

Hunting services: Standart price list

Browse a selection of goose hunting trips in Bulgaria. Direct offers from outfitters in Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744 on bghunters.com & Bulgaria Hunting Trips, Кръкожабене, община Тетевен, област Ловеч, п.к.5744.

Bulgaria Hunting Trips | Hunting area Кръкожабене 5744

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  29. ✓ Waterfowl hunting in Bulgaria Кръкожабене 5744
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  32. Wolf hunting in Bulgaria Кръкожабене 5744
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Goose hunting trips in Bulgaria

Small game - Goose shooting in Bulgaria

  • Goose hunting in Bulgaria
  • Кръкожабене 5744
Geese hunting trips in Bulgaria

Goose hunting involves early mornings and very cold treks. This type of wing shooting in Bulgaria is effective while the birds are in flight in the morning and late afternoon.

In the morning the geese are stalked by the places they have rested at (big lakes and rivers). Places that offer a vantage point are chosen, allowing the hunters pick the birds off before they manage to climb beyond the hunters’ range. The best distance for shooting geese is about 30 to 40 m. This is a very resilient bird and that is why bigger pellets must be used (№ 1, № 0, № 2/0 and № 4/0).

In the late afternoon the geese can be stalked by the places they rest at overnight (big lakes and rivers), usually by the edge of the water. The use of goose calls is recommended in order to lure the birds in the desired direction. At dusk the shooting distance can range from 15 to 30 m.

The second way to hunt geese is at their feeding spots.These are fields with wheat crops still in the early stages of their growth, the main food source for the geese. After the field is chosen a hideout that blends in with its surroundings is constructed. The hideout can be set up some time before the hunt allowing the birds some time to get accustomed to its presence.

Decoys with and without spinning wings can be used as well as 3 artificial magpies and 50 to 100 static birds, mimicking a flock of feeding and resting geese. Other types of decoy birds can be used in order to create the illusion of a peaceful field. Shooting distance ranges between 15 to 30 m.

Hunters can use goose calls to direct the flocks to the desired spots and because the birds drop down from great heights the hunters must have patience and wait for them to come within range. Shooting is under the command of the guide (Now! etc.). These are powerful birds with good plumage. If shot at prematurely there is a chance to miss or wound the goose.

A retriever dog can be used. It must be well-disciplined and obey the command Stay! and must be kept inside the hideout. Geese hunts can last the entire day and the hunt itself is static and in cold weather.That is why heat insulating clothes, warm winter boots and neoprene socks are a must for this type of wing shooting in Bulgaria.

When to hunt Goose Geese?

Goose hunting season in the Bulgaria starts in Oktombre. It gains tempo when the geese begin their migration from Russia to warmer places.

  • BG Fishermans

Язовири разрешени за риболов за рибари от Кръкожабене 5744

Списък на язовирите в България за риболов

  • язовир Aceнoвeц
  • язовир Axeлoй
  • язовир Aлeĸcaндъp Cтaмбoлийcĸи
  • язовир Bъчa
  • язовир Coпoт
  • язовир Cpeчeнcĸa бapa
  • язовир Cтyдeн ĸлaдeнeц
  • язовир Cтyдeнa
  • язовир Cъeдинeниe
  • язовир Eницa
  • язовир Kaлин
  • язовир Kaмчия
  • язовир Koĸaлянe
  • язовир Koпpинĸa
  • язовир Kpичим
  • язовир Kyлa
  • язовир Kъpджaли
  • язовир Maлĸo Шapĸoвo
  • язовир Oгocтa
  • язовир Oгнянoвo
  • язовир Paбишa
  • язовир Poзoв Kлaдeнeц
  • язовир Toпoлницa
  • язовир Toшĸoв чapĸ
  • язовир Tpaĸиeц
  • язовир Tичa
  • язовир Xpиcтo Cмиpнeнcĸи
  • язовир Πaнчapeвo
  • язовир Πopoй
  • язовир Πчeлинa
  • язовир Πяcъчниĸ
  • язовир Бaтaĸ
  • язовир Бeглиĸa
  • язовир Бeли Лoм
  • язовир Бeлмeĸeн
  • язовир Бopoвицa
  • язовир Гeopги Tpaйĸoв
  • язовир Гopни Дъбниĸ
  • язовир Гoлям Бeглиĸ
  • язовир Дocпaт
  • язовир Дoмлян
  • язовир Дяĸoвo
  • язовир Жpeбчeвo
  • язовир Иcĸъp
  • язовир Йoвĸoвци
  • язовир Ивaйлoвгpaд
  • язовир Карагьол
  • язовир Чaиpa
  • язовир Шиpoĸa пoлянa
  • язовир Яcнa пoлянa
  • язовир Яcтpeбинo
  • язовир Янтpa