European hare hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area Гоз 2366
European hare shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Гоз 2366
European hare hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Гоз 2366
European hare shooting in Europe - Hunting area Гоз 2366
European hare hunting in Europe - Hunting area Гоз 2366
Rabbit shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Гоз 2366
Rabbit hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Гоз 2366
European hare hunting in Bulgaria
Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted european hare hunting trips on - Small game hunting area Гоз 2366
» Bulgaria Hunting Trips » European hare hunting in Bulgaria » Hunting area Гоз 2366
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European hare hunting trips in Bulgaria
Hunting area Гоз 2366
We hunt some of the best areas for European hares in Bulgaria!
Rabbit hunting period & methods
European hare hunting in Bulgaria season:
- From the 1st of October to the 31st of December
Small game standart price list
European hare / Hares / Rabbits
Hare is an attractive game species. It is hunted for its delicious meat, and shooting can be a real challenge.
Scientific Name: Lepus europaeus
Habitat: Found in many types of habitats, especially farmland and mixed terrain.
Description: A large member of the rabbit family, with a body length of between 60 - 75 cm and a weight of 3 - 5 kg. Long ears up to 11cm in length. Its fur is grizzled yellow-brown in colour, more rufous on its shoulders, neck, legs and throat. Underside white. Black tail and ear tips.
Hunting method: Rough shooting, walking up.
Hunting available in: All areas of distribution in Bulgaria.
Hunting services: Standart price list
Bulgaria Hunting Trips | Hunting area Гоз 2366
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European hare hunting trips in Bulgaria
Small game - Rabbiting - Rabbit shooting in Bulgaria
- European hare hunting in Bulgaria
- Гоз 2366
Hares/Rabbits hunting trips in Bulgaria
Hares are one of the most popular species of game for Bulgarian hunters. Hare hunting is deeply enrooted in Bulgarian tradition.
There are two methods for hunting hares used in Bulgaria. One is on foot with pointing dogs, but the more preferred one is by driven hunt.
Usually flat, rolling and isolated patches of land are searched. Hares are hunted in groups, and the hunters usually align in a straight line within 6-10 paces of each other. During group hunts, safety precautions are of vital importance.
Shooting is only allowed in front of the hunter and behind them, while keeping in mind the position of the other participants in the hunt. Usually, plowed patches are searched, especially in windy conditions. The reason for this is that the hare lies down in a small burrow with its back to a big lump of dirt. This usually occurs during cold winter days.
Depending on the weather, hares can be encountered by the edge of fields and forests and in rolling terraced places, especially in rainy conditions. In these spots, the soil drains well and the hare can watch out for danger. They always choose high places (terraced hills, mounds, dams, etc.) for their burrows.
The dogs must work close to the hunters and, upon finding the hare, must freeze in a pointing stance in front of it. After the shot they must bring back the animal.
The hunters should be in good health due to the long treks in cold weather. A backpack is a must since each hunter carries their catch. Foreign hunters usually hunt with a guide and a carrier so this doesn’t always apply to them.
- BG Fishermans
Eзера разрешени за риболов за рибари от Гоз 2366
Списък на езерата в България за риболов
- езеро Балчишка тузла
- езеро Блатото
- езеро Гъ́рлата
- езеро Звъничевски вир
- езеро Карталийско блато
- езеро Обручище
- езеро Пущинака
- езеро Сребърна
- езеро Узунгерен
- езеро Черното кафе
- Езерецко езеро
- Еневото езеро
- Голямо Писаровско езеро
- Горно Габренско езеро
- Горно Рибно езеро
- Докузашко езеро
- Долно Габренско езеро
- Дуранкулашко езеро
- Западно Казиченско езеро
- Източнобатарейско езеро
- Инджекьойско езеро
- Казиченско езеро
- Кулашко езеро
- Кючуково езеро
- Малко езеро
- Маслашко езеро
- Миленково езеро
- Негованско езеро
- Опицветско блато
- Оризарско езеро
- Орлово езеро
- Орловско блато
- Поморийско езеро
- Попово езеро
- Рабишко езеро
- Сарафовско езеро
- Скаленско езеро
- Скаленско езеро
- Смрадливо езеро
- Средно езеро
- Челопеченско езеро
- Чепинско езеро
- Чукуровско езеро
- Шабленска тузла
- Шабленско езеро
- Япадженско езеро