Jackal hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area Перущица 4225

Jackal shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Перущица 4225

Jackal hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Перущица 4225

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Jackal hunting in Europe - Hunting area Перущица 4225

Jackal hunting in Bulgaria

Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted golden jackal hunting trips on bghunters.com - Predators hunting area Перущица 4225

Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted golden jackal hunting trips on bghunters.com - Predators hunting area Перущица 4225

» Bulgaria Hunting Trips » Jackal hunting in Bulgaria » Hunting area Перущица 4225

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Jackal hunting trips in Bulgaria

Hunting area Перущица 4225

We hunt some of the best areas for Jackal in Bulgaria!

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Ted Tomoff » Hunter & Host

Jackal hunting period & methods

Jackal hunting in Bulgaria season:

  • : all year

Predators standart price list

Golden jackal

The jackal is a predator, so its quantity needs to be regulated. It can be shot during driven hunts or ambushed. Calling and baiting also give good results.

Scientific Name: Canis aureus

Habitat: Open steppe, undulating semi arid country with cover, also marshes and mountain forests.

Description: Fox-sized jackal weighing around 15 kg and measuring up to 50 cm over the shoulder, reaching a total body length of 1,05 m, without tail (max 27 cm.). General colour rufous yellow coat with greyish tinge.

Hunting method: Often taken as secondary trophy during driven wild boar hunting. Lying in wait, calling, baiting.

Hunting available in: All areas of distribution in Bulgaria.

Accompanying hunt: Golden jackal can be combined with hunting for other predators.

Hunting services: Standart price list

Browse a selection of golden jackal hunting trips in Bulgaria. Direct offers from outfitters in predator hunting area Перущица 4225 on bghunters.com & Bulgaria Hunting Trips, улица Отец Паисий 2, Перущица, община Перущица, област Пловдив, п.к.4225.

Bulgaria Hunting Trips | Hunting area Перущица 4225

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Jackal hunting trips in Bulgaria

Golden jackal hunts in Bulgaria

  • Jackal hunting in Bulgaria
  • Перущица 4225
Golden jackal hunting trips in Bulgaria

Canis Aureus L.


The Golden jackal is widely distributed across Asia Minor, North Africa and Southeastern Europe. In the near past in Bulgaria this species was considered rare so shooting was forbidden. Restrictive measures are imposed for the Golden jackal due to the significant increase in its number and extension of the area, seen in the recent years.

General information

In systematic terms it belongs to the family of Canis, as it looks like a wolf, but is smaller than it. The fur colour is grey-yellow. It is darker on the back, and sidelong, on the neck, legs and on both sides of the head it is golden-yellow. Its tail is shaggy with yellow-gray colour and has single darker spots; its end is black. Body length of the jackal reaches up to 100-120 cm and the tail – 20-30 cm.

Way of life and feeding

The Golden jackal hunts mainly at night. It is generally omnivorous and eats carrion and small animals. It eats the eggs of birds nesting on the ground, it causes significant damage to the state reserve, killing rabbits, pheasants and partridges, fawns, and the young of the fallow deer, etc., it also eats fruits, watermelons and melons. The Golden jackal lives singly. After dusk it howls in an unusual way, resembling crying, and all jackals in the close vicinity respond.


The mating period is in March. The pregnancy period lasts 60-63 days. The female gives birth to 4-5, rarely more cubs, in simply constructed small holes in the ground.

Economic significance

The Golden jackal belongs to the group of harmful game. The hunting is realized with battue or enticement with carrion. Its skin is not valuable. The trophy is the head with the jaws and the skin.

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