Red deer hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
Red stag shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
Red stag hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
Red stag shooting in Europe - Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
Red stag hunting in Europe - Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
Red deer hunting in Bulgaria
Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted red deer hunting trips on - Big game hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
» Bulgaria Hunting Trips » Red deer hunting in Bulgaria » Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Hunting trips directly from outfitters:
Red deer hunting trips in Bulgaria
Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
We hunt some of the best areas for Red buck in Bulgaria!
Red deer hunting period & methods
Red deer hunting in Bulgaria season:
- Males and calfs: from the 1st of September to the 31st of January
- Hinds: from the 1st of October to the 31st of December
- Best hunting period: September
Red Deer/Red Stag (Europe)
Scientific Name: Cervus elaphus
Subspecies: We recognise the following subspecies for Europe: East European Red Deer (C.e. montanus) Corsican Red Deer (C.e. corsicanus)
Distribution: Red Deer is found in most European countries.
Habitat: Woodland, pasture land, wetlands and moorland. Is found in lowlands as well as on high ground and in mountains.
Description: Large deer weighing around 100 - 200 kg measuring around 150 cm over the shoulder. General colour rufous brown in summer and greyish brown in winter. The antlers are branched rather than palmate and have anything from 2 up to 12 - 16 points.
Hunting method: Stalking, lying in wait or driven hunt.
Hunting available in: All areas of distribution in Bulgaria.
Hunting services: Standart price list
Bulgaria Hunting Trips | Hunting area 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Лов 2А Козлодуй 3320
- ✓ Hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Hunting in Europe 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Caccia in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
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- Κυνήγι στη Βουλγαρία 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Bulgaristan'da Avcılık 2А Козлодуй 3320
- ✓ Big game hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Fallow deer hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Roe deer hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Wild boar hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Mouflon hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Barbary sheep hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Chamois hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Himalayan tahr hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Bezoar ibex hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Wood grouse hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- ✓ Small game hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Pheasant hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Quail hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Turtle-dove hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Partridge hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Wood pigeon hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Woodcock hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- European hare hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- ✓ Waterfowl hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Wild duck hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Goose hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- ✓ Predator hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Wolf hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Jackal hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
- Fox hunting in Bulgaria 2А Козлодуй 3320
Red deer hunting trips in Bulgaria
Big game - Red deer shooting in Bulgaria
- Red deer hunting in Bulgaria
- 2А Козлодуй 3320
Big game - Red Deer hunts in Bulgaria
Red deer hunting trips in Bulgaria - 2А Козлодуй 3320:
- Red deer hunting in Austria
- Red deer hunting in Belarus
- Red deer hunting in Croatia
- Red deer hunting in Czech Republic
- Red deer hunting in Estonia
- Red deer hunting in Finland
- Red deer hunting in France
- Red deer hunting in Germany
- Red deer hunting in Greece
- Red deer hunting in Hungary
- Red deer hunting in Ireland
- Red deer hunting in Italy
- Red deer hunting in Latvia
- Red deer hunting in Lithuania
- Red deer hunting in Macedonia
- Red deer hunting in Montenegro
- Red deer hunting in Poland
- Red deer hunting in Portugal
- Red deer hunting in Romania
- Red deer hunting in Russia
- Red deer hunting in Serbia
- Red deer hunting in Slovakia
- Red deer hunting in Spain
- Red deer hunting in Sweden
- Red deer hunting in Turkey
- Red deer hunting in Ukraine
- Red deer hunting in United Kingdom
- Red deer hunting in England
- Red deer hunting in Scotland
Big game - Red Stag hunts in Bulgaria
Red stag hunting trips in Bulgaria - 2А Козлодуй 3320:
- Red stag hunting in Austria
- Red stag hunting in Belarus
- Red stag hunting in Croatia
- Red stag hunting in Czech Republic
- Red stag hunting in Estonia
- Red stag hunting in Finland
- Red stag hunting in France
- Red stag hunting in Germany
- Red stag hunting in Greece
- Red stag hunting in Hungary
- Red stag hunting in Ireland
- Red stag hunting in Italy
- Red stag hunting in Latvia
- Red stag hunting in Lithuania
- Red stag hunting in Macedonia
- Red stag hunting in Montenegro
- Red stag hunting in Poland
- Red stag hunting in Portugal
- Red stag hunting in Romania
- Red stag hunting in Russia
- Red stag hunting in Serbia
- Red stag hunting in Slovakia
- Red stag hunting in Spain
- Red stag hunting in Sweden
- Red stag hunting in Turkey
- Red stag hunting in Ukraine
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Big Game Standart Price List
- You can find individual price lists from our outfitters and for each specific hunting ground!
Note that this is the standart state price list!
To receive a special offer for your hunt,
please share detailed information when
connecting with our outfitters.
Kindly refer to the official price list as approved by
Government Agency - the Ministry of Agriculture. Food and Foresty.
The following are Minimum Rates of Organised Hunting Tourism in Bulgaria.
Red Deer
Hunting season:
- Males and calfs: From September 1 to January 31
Best hunting period: September
- Hinds: from October 1 to December 31
Trophy fees:
- Up to 4,00 kg - 600 €
- From 4,01 to 5,00 kg - 600 € + 3 € for each 10 g
- From 5,01 to 6,00 kg - 900 € + 5 € for each 10 g
- From 6,01 to 7,00 kg - 1.400 € + 6 € for each 10 g
- From 7,01 to 8,00 kg - 2.000 € + 8 € for each 10 g
- From 8,01 to 9,00 kg - 2.800 € + 10 € for each 10 g
- From 9,01 to 10,00 kg - 3.800 € + 12 € for each 10 g
- From 10,01 to 11,00 kg - 5.000 € + 30 € for each 10 g
- From 11,01 to 12,00 kg - 8.000 € + 40 € for each 10 g
- Above 12,01 kg - 12.000 € + 80 € for each 10 g
- Shot buck from 2 to 4 years old with trophy to 4,00 kg - 250 €
- Shot hind above 2 years old - 150 €
- Shot calf to 2 years old - 100 €
- Wounded calf to 2 years old - 100 €
- Wounded hind - 150 €
- Wounded stag - payable 50% of the weight of the trophy booked by the hunter
- Game meat - 4 €
Trophy weight includes weight of antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw.
For trophies over 230 CIC pts there is an additional 10% surcharge.
1. Red deer trophies are measured 24h after boiling and cleaning. The price of red deer trophy is calculated based on the weight of the antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw. No deductions are applied.
2. In case the 24h period cannot be respected, 5% humidity is deducted from the weight of the trophy.
3. Deviation +/- 15% from the requested weight of trophy is payable. If bagged trophies falls outside that range because of a guide’s fault, you will typically not be charged and can continue to hunt for the desired trophy.
4. With a preliminary booked after October 30, it is possible to use a 10% off the shooting fee for trophy animals.
5. Learn more about red deer and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.
Fallow Deer
Hunting season:
- Fallow stag: From September 1 to January 31
Best period: The rut of the fallow deer in October
- Female and calf: From October 1 to December 31
Trophy fees:
- Cull bucks - 100 €
- To 2,00 kg - 400 €
- From 2,00 kg to 2,50 kg - 400 € + 2 € for each 10 g
- From 2,51 kg to 3,00 kg - 500 € + 4 € for each 10 g
- From 3,01 kg to 3,50 kg - 700 € + 10 € for each 10 g
- From 3,51 kg to 4,00 kg - 1.200 € + 16 € for each 10 g
- Above 4,01 kg - 2.000 € + 30 € for each 10 g
- Shot or wounded doe - 50 €
- Shot or wounded fawn - 50 €
- Wounded deer - payable 50% of the weight of the trophy booked by the hunter
- Game meat - 4 €
Trophy weight includes weight of antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw.
For trophies over 200 CIC there is an additional 10% surcharge.
1. Fallow deer trophies are measured 24h after boiling and cleaning. The price of fallow deer trophy is calculated based on the weight of the antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw. No discounts are applied.
2. In the case of the 24h period cannot be respected, 5% humidity is deducted from the weight of the trophy.
3. Deviation +/- 15% from the requested weight of trophy is payable.
4. With a preliminary booked after November
30, it is possible to use a 10% off the shooting fee for trophy animals.5. Learn more about fallow deer and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.
Roe Deer
Hunting season:
- Males: From May 1 to October 30
- Female and calf: From September 1 to October 30
Trophy fees:
- To 200 g - 100 €
- From 201 g to 250 g - 100 € + 1 € for each 1 g
- From 251 g to 300 g - 150 € + 2 € for each 1 g
- From 301 g to 350 g - 250 € + 3 € for each 1 g
- From 351 g to 400 g - 400 € + 8 € for each 1 g
- Above 400 g - 800 € + 10 € for each 1 g
- Shot or wounded roe doe - 50 €
- Shot or wounded roe kid - 50 €
- For wounded buck - payable 50% of the weight of the trophy booked by the hunter
- Game meat - 4,50 €
Trophy weight includes weight of antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw minus 90g deduction.
For trophies over 160 CIC pts there is an additional 10% surcharge.
1. Roe deer trophies are measured 24h after boiling and cleaning. The price of roe deer trophy is calculated based on the weight of the antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw minus 90 g deduction.
2. In case the 24h period cannot be respected, 5% humidity is deducted from the weight of the trophy.
3. Deviation +/- 15% from the requested weight of trophy is payable. If bagged trophies falls outside that range because of a guide’s fault, you will typically not be charged and can continue to hunt for the desired trophy.
4. Learn more about roe deer and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.
Wild Boar
Individual hunt
- Hunting season: All year round
Trophy fees:
- Up to 14,00 cm - 300 €
- From 14,01 to 16,00 cm - 300 € + 10 € for each 1 mm
- From 16,01 to 18,00 cm - 500 € + 10 € for each 1 mm
- From 18,01 to 20,00 cm - 700 € + 15 € for each 1 mm
- From 20,01 to 22,00 cm - 1.000 € + 20 € for each 1 mm
- Above 22,01 cm - 1.400 € + 30 € for each 1 mm
- Sshot offspring up to 1 year old - 50 €
- Shot offspring between 1 year to 2 years old - 100 €
- Shot female over 2 years old. - 150 €
- For early and found male - 500 €
- Game meat - 1,50 €
Driven hunt
- Hunting season: From October 1 to the second Sunday of January
Trophy fees:
- Up to 14,00 cm - 300 €
- From 14,01 to 16,00 cm - 400 €
- From 16,01 to 18,00 cm - 500 €
- From 18,01 to 20,00 cm - 700 €
- From 20,01 to 22,00 cm - 1.000 €
- Above 22,01 cm - 1.400 €
- Shot offspring up to 1 year old - 30 €
- Shot offspring between 1 and 2 years old - 50 €
- Shot sow over 2 years old - 150 €
- Game meat - 1,50 €
For early and undiscovered game, 50% of the value of the price of the one ordered for shooting is paid.
1. The price of wild boar trophy is calculated based on the average length of both tusks.
2. For trophies over 125 CIC points there is an additional 10% surcharge (gold medals start at 120 CIC points).
3. With a preliminary booked Individual hunt between May 1 to August 31 , it is possible to use a 10% off the shooting fee for trophy animals.
4. Learn more about wild boar and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.
Hunting season:
- Males: All year
- Female: From September 1 to January 30
Trophy fees:
- To 40,00 cm - 60 €
- From 40,01 cm to 50,00 cm - 60 € + 14 € for each 1 cm
- From 50,01 cm to 60,00 cm - 200 € + 20 € for each 1 cm
- From 60,01 cm to 70,00 cm - 400 € + 60 € for each 1 cm
- From 70,01 cm to 80,00 cm - 1.300 € + 120 € for each 1 cm
- Above 80,00 cm - 2.800 € + 150 € for each 1 cm
- Shot or wounded ewe - 50 €
- Shot or wounded lamb - 50 €
- Wounded mouflon ram - payable 50% of the lenght of the trophy booked by the hunter
- Game meat - 2,50 €
The price of mouflon ram trophy is calculated based on the average length of both horns, measured from the outside.
For trophies over 230 CIC pts there is an additional 10 % surcharge.
1. The price of mouflon ram trophy is calculated based on the average length of both horns, measured from the outside.
2. Deviation +/- 15% from the requested weight of trophy is payable. If bagged trophies falls outside that range because of a guide’s fault, you will typically not be charged and can continue to hunt for the desired trophy.
3. Learn more about mouflon and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.
Chamois and Ibex
Hunting season:
- Males: From Desember 1 to January 15
Best period: Between April 10 and May10
- Females: From September 15 to October 31
Trophy fees:
- To 80 CIC pts - 700 €
- From 80,01 CIC pts to 85,00 pts - 800 € + 30 € for each 1 CIC point
- From 85,01 CIC pts to 90,00 pts - 950 € + 38 € for each 1 CIC point
- From 90,01 CIC pts to 95,00 pts - 1.140 € + 65 € for each 1 CIC point
- From 95,01 CIC pts to 100,00 pts - 1.465 € + 67 € for each 1 CIC point
- Above 100,00 CIC pts - 1.800 € + 200 € for each 1 CIC point
- Wounded and not found chamois / ibex doe / buck - payable 50% of the size of the trophy booked by the hunter
- Game meat - 2,50 €
1. The price of chamois / ibex trophy is calculated based on CIC evaluation.
2. National record trophies stay in the country. The hunter pays 30% of the trophy price and receives a copy of the trophy no later than three months after the hunt.
3. Learn more about chamois and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.
4. Learn more about ibex and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.
Capercaillie / Wood grouse
Hunting season:
- Males: April 15 - May 15
Trophy fees:
- 1 Capercaillie - 1.200 €
- Wounded and not found capercaillie cock - 600 €
1. The price of capercaillie trophy is fixed.
2. Only male capercaillies can be hunted.
3. Learn more about capercaillie and book your hunt directly with professional outfitters.