Turtle-dove hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area Княжево София 1619
Turtle-dove shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Княжево София 1619
Turtle-dove hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Княжево София 1619
Turtle-dove shooting in Europe - Hunting area Княжево София 1619
Turtle-dove hunting in Europe - Hunting area Княжево София 1619
Turtle-dove hunting in Bulgaria
Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted turtle-dove hunting trips on bghunters.com - Small game hunting area Княжево София 1619
» Bulgaria Hunting Trips » Turtle-dove hunting in Bulgaria » Hunting area Княжево София 1619
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Turtle-dove hunting trips in Bulgaria
Hunting area Княжево София 1619
We hunt some of the best areas for Turtle-dove in Bulgaria!
Turtle-dove hunting period & methods
Turtle-dove hunting in Bulgaria season:
- Second Saturday of August - November 30
Small game standart price list
Turtle Dove
The turtle dove is a migratory bird. The hunting season starts in August. The daily hunt in northeastern Bulgaria is very good. The area and the biotope are ideal for the species – enormous agricultural massifs with cereals chopped by forest and waterways. The number of shot birds can easily reach 40-50 pcs. The turtle dove is a real challenge for the experienced hunter. Its flight is fast and slick, and hunting is difficult and requires serious shooting skills.
Scientific Name: Streptopelia turtur
Habitat: Open rather than dense woodlands, and frequently feeds on the ground.
Description: The mature bird has the head, neck, flanks, and rump blue grey, and the wings cinnamon, mottled with black. The breast is vinaceous, the abdomen and under tail coverts are white. The bill is black, the legs and eye rims are red. The black and white patch on the side of the neck is absent in the browner and duller juvenile bird, which also has the legs brown.
Hunting method: Shooting over decoys, lying in wait
Hunting available in: All areas of distribution in Bulgaria.
Accompanying hunt: It can be combined with quail and wood pigeon hunting.
Hunting services: Standart price list
Bulgaria Hunting Trips | Hunting area Княжево София 1619
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Turtle-dove hunting trips in Bulgaria
Small game - Turtle-dove shooting in Bulgaria
- Turtle-dove hunting in Bulgaria
- Княжево София 1619
Quail hunting in Bulgaria
Turtle-Doves hunting trips in Bulgaria
The turtle-dove’s passage begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 11:00, at the places where it feeds (sunflower fields), that is why the hunters have to be at the hunting grounds by 7:00 AM. Due to the fact that birds of the dove species use the same air corridors when flying, it is advised that the hunting guides research the hunting spots a day or two in advance.
The spots where the cover will be set to stalk the birds are decided on the basis of the collected information. After 11:00 AM if we’re not satisfied with the results, we can stalk the birds by their watering places (by rivers, swamps, overflows etc.), on the condition that there are trees, dried tree trunks, electrical posts and wires.
The use of retriever dogs is common practice. The dog must be very disciplined and adept at carrying out commands.
It should obey the commands: stay, lay down, fetch. An experienced dog has the ability to track the moving birds before the hunter and upon shooting to bring back the bird quickly and energetically, well remembering the shot bird’s exact spot. It must sit down in front of the hunter and give back the animal.
During a group hunt (in groups of 4 - 8 hunters), it’s advisable they cover all corridors of the passing birds, forcing them to keep flying in the air and giving the hunters a chance to continue shooting. The turtle-dove flies at speeds of 70 to 90 km/h and must be anticipated properly.
- BG Fishermans
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